Ralf Ohlenbostel


Conversion Lead

Ralf is a Conversion Specialist & Web Performance Expert at Google. He advises Google's largest retail and travel clients on their mobile strategy.

Das bin ich

Ralf is a Conversion Specialist & Web Performance Expert at Google. He advises Google's largest retail and travel clients on their mobile strategy. His focus is on UX, loading speed, and modern web technologies like Progressive Web Apps to make the web a smooth experience for end customers. Before Google, Ralf was responsible for technical SEO at Zalando for 6 years and built performance marketing teams at Zalando.

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Bei diesen Events war Ralf dabei

09:30 Uhr

Digital Bash – Customer Experience

Bei der Customer Experience geht es darum, dich aus den Augen deiner Kund:innen zu betrachten und dabei zu hinterfragen, wie du deinen Auftritt optimieren kannst.