Christina Salomon


Conversion Lead

In her role as Conversion Specialist & UX Lead, Christina supports companies to grow by optimizing their web strategies.

Das bin ich

In her role as Conversion Specialist & UX Lead, Christina supports companies to grow by optimizing their web strategies. In doing so, she focusses on User Experience Design, Modern Web technologies and Website Speed. Christina started at Google more than 6 years ago. She has a business background and has gained experience in collaborating with a braod range of different industries ranging from Retail to Travel, LeadGen and more.

Erlebe Christina bei diesen zukünftigen Events

Bei diesen Events war Christina dabei

09:30 Uhr

Digital Bash – Customer Experience

Bei der Customer Experience geht es darum, dich aus den Augen deiner Kund:innen zu betrachten und dabei zu hinterfragen, wie du deinen Auftritt optimieren kannst.